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ASTRO release new single 'ALIVE' - listen

ASTRO release new single 'ALIVE' - listen

Estimated: 1 min  reading

[UPDATE: 02/09]: ASTRO's 'ALIVE' is officially here! Stream the song below:

[UPDATE: 31/08]: All of the music video teasers for ASTRO's 'ALIVE' have arrived, watch them below:

[26/08]: The concept film for ASTRO's 'ALIVE' just dropped, and you can view it here:

[24/08]: Universe Music released the concept images for ASTRO's 'ALIVE', check it out here:

[23/08]: ASTRO will return this September with a brand new single and music video for Universe Music.

On Monday (23/08), Universe Musicโ€™s official Twitter account teased the cover image for their new single titled โ€˜ALIVEโ€™. The song is set to premiere on 2 September at 6 PM KST (5 PM SGT/PHT).

Fans took to Twitter to express their excitement over the upcoming single.

Earlier this year, ASTRO released their eighth mini-album SWITCH ON.

Stream SWITCH ON here: