Behold, just over three years after they made their glorious return to our shores, Metallica has made good on their promise to return much sooner than last.
As part of the WorldWired 2017 tour, promoting their latest album Hardwired... To Self-Destruct, Metallica will perform at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on January 22nd — and courtesy of Universal Music Singapore, we have one pair of tickets to give away!
Here's what you have to do:
1. Sign up for The Insider
2. Enter the contest through The Insider
3. 'Like' and 'share' this post on Facebook to qualify.
Remember to set your post to 'Public' so we'll be able to see your entry. Contest ends Thursday (19/1), 12pm.
Meanwhile, you can still purchase tickets for Metallica's WorldWired Tour 2017 show in Singapore. Hardwired... To Self-Destruct is now available through Universal Music Singapore. Get a copy here.
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