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Dancing In The Moonshine: Bruno Mars Live In Singapore

Estimated: 2 mins  reading

I'll say it first then, Bruno Mars: easily by far, could possibly be The Show of The Year. Well, so far for this year anyway. The signs are all there: a sold out 11,000 strong crowd, which had people outside without tickets searched for ticket scalpers to buy tickets from; a excellent light show, and a six piece support band to back up the Filipino-American dreamboat.

But it's the ease, the swagger of Bruno that has to be noted. The audience, presumably consisting mostly of teenage girls; they follow his every word and cue, and respond accordingly with screams of adoration. The crowd is at his mercy, and he walks the stage with total self confidence knowing that it is his show, his place to command - he has a stage persona neither cringeworthy nor cliche, and the audience laps up his every word. He is charming, sexy, and the girls in the audience on the throes of puppy love and crushes are all over him in adoration. And to truly see a performer so relaxed and at ease on stage is a rare sight to see nowadays; naturally, he feeds off on the energy the crowd brings, and they lap up every single thing he does on stage.

Favourites like 'Nothing on You', 'The Lazy Song' and 'Billionaire' are belted with his clean, powerhouse vocals peppered with the occasional swear word and sex joke, as before noted with a sign outside the show, warning of sweary content beforehand - assisted by his backing band, who have personalities of their own on stage and are allowed by Bruno to let them shine, rather than have them just stand at the back and just 'be' the typical backing band that any mega superstar like Bruno has. In fact, it's the backing band itself that assists with interludes, outros and funny key bits that make it that much more special, performing push ups and quick jokes - also make it that more personal that the audience's attention is grabbed for the 90 minutes of time where Bruno ruled the Indoor Stadium, ending his show with 'Locked Out of Heaven', raining confetti everywhere over his crowd at the end of it. Bruno disappears for a minute to reappear behind a huge drum kit elevated above the stage - to the delight of the crowd, before ending with 'Gorilla', complete with the whole shebang of fireworks and pyro. This writer, who's main profession is a photographer, also in her opinion witnessed one of the best lighting that she's seen in a show for a very long time - lasers, disco balls, did I mention lasers everywhere…

In this day and age when tours and musicians are rampant, where YouTube and online content reigns, where live music has been discussed so many times as being overpriced, cliche - The Moonshine Tour pulls out all the stops and sets the standard for live shows to live up to it's calibre. 10/10.

Relive the concert with the setlist here: