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SB19's Josh Cullen uncovers past traumas on his raw and resilient debut album 'Lost & Found' — listen

SB19's Josh Cullen uncovers past traumas on his raw and resilient debut album 'Lost & Found' — listen

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We've already gotten an emo-laced preview of Josh Cullen's debut solo album with his lead single 'Silent Cries', but now we're getting the whole package.

The charismatic SB19 member has just dropped Lost & Found, a 7-track collection inspired by his own life story as he deals with past traumas, and finds his own creative agency. The LP is emotional, confessional, and unadulterated.

"This album explores themes of pain and suffering, redemption, and the strength of human resilience, inspired by my inner truth. In Lost & Found, I wrote about the pain that never truly goes away, the trauma that lingers long after we think our wounds have healed, and discovering strength within ourselves." Cullen explains.


When asked about the album's title, Cullen says that it was a reflection of his darkest moments: "I've experienced being lost throughout my life, sometimes trapped between trying to process all these intense emotions while desperately hoping to be found. I hope to connect with my fans and listeners who have been through the same journey or are going through the same."