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Sing Jazz 2018 – photo gallery

Sing Jazz 2018 – photo gallery

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Over the weekend, the Singapore International Jazz Festival (or Sing Jazz, as it's more commonly called) celebrated its 5th anniversary with a slew of acts across the genre spectrum, from jazz, funk and soul to reggae, R&B and hip-hop. It was a star-studded three days of top-notch entertainment both international and local. Feast your eyes on these shots by our photographers (Bandwagon festival report coming soon).

Day 1 / Friday

Photos by Png Eng Ngee


GoGo Penguin

Paulinho Garcia

Sébastien Tellier

Parov Stelar

Tim De Cotta

Soul II Soul


Day 2 / Saturday

Photos by Natasha Hassan


Lalah Hathaway

Jamie Cullum


Ms. Lauryn Hill

Day 3 / Sunday

Photos by Ambry NurHayati

House of the Gypsies

The Brand New Heavies

Incognito ft. Leee John and Omar

Special thanks to Sing Jazz for the invite.