5 lessons to take away from BTS' SUGA's 'Road To D-DAY' documentary

5 lessons to take away from BTS' SUGA's 'Road To D-DAY' documentary


SUGA is heading out on a musical journey and he's taking us along for the ride. 

In line with the release of his latest album as his creative alter ego, AGUST D, the BTS member unveiled a solo documentary, SUGA: Road To D-DAY where we get a glimpse into his unseen creative processThe documentary takes us all over the world, as the award-winning producer searches for inspiration and fights through a creative slump to piece together D-DAY. 

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The documentary shows a vulnerability to SUGA we have yet to really see, and just like his music, offers pockets of wisdom and insight to take home. So, as we set out on our own individual journeys, here are five lessons to take away from Road To D-DAY



The future is uncertain and everyone gets a little lost sometimes. The next steps are not always clear-cut. We get lost and confused, unsure of which direction to take next. SUGA: Road To D-DAY begins with the same sentiment as we see SUGA uncertain about where to take his next album. He's in a slump, with the final destination hazy and a blur but instead of feeling frustrated and angry, we see him accept it wholeheartedly.

He takes it one step at a time, admitting that he doesn't always know what to do and taking a step back to regain his bearings. It's nice to know that no one really has it figured out all that well, that even world-renowned musicians get a little lost too.


There's a scene where SUGA heads back to Pyeonchang, to the familiar setting of BTS' house from their second season of IN THE SOOP to try and get on putting together D-DAY, when one of his fellow producers brings up the question, "What if we end up not working?" To which SUGA replies, "I don't think there's anything wrong with that. We can just have fun."

Oftentimes, we're too caught up in moving onward and forward or we end up working too hard that we forget to enjoy and relish in the presence. Sometimes, we're taken by guilt when we're not being productive or getting nowhere with the tasks we've set out for ourselves, but hey, it's okay to just have fun. You're meant to enjoy the journey, anyway.


The entirety of SUGA: Road To D-DAY sees SUGA travel the world in search of inspiration, primarily in the form of meeting fellow musicians and picking their brains. With each meeting and interaction, we see the 'Daechwita' hitmaker re-ignited with a flame of passion and determination, finding new purpose and motivation to work on his music. 

It's through this we see how important it is to surround yourself with good company, with people that not only support you but that also inspire and push you to grow and evolve. Life's a one-way road that's not meant to be travelled alone, so make you sure got good friends for the ride. 


While this lesson isn't directly from SUGA himself, it's from someone the rapper holds in extremely high regard. On his journey to D-DAY, the late Ryuichi Sakamoto comes as one of the musicians SUGA visits for inspiration. In their small but meaningful meeting, they talk about music, life, and change where the revered Japanese musician shared, "When you reach the top floor, you always find a floor above" referring to how there's always room for you to take it to the next level. 

While it's intimidating to know there's so much farther you could go, it's also comforting that there's still a better version of ourselves out there that we could be. It's exciting to know that the best is yet to come.


The documentary shares a glimpse into SUGA's very real writing process, one that often tasks him to tap into the traumas of his past, while also unveiling his struggle with writer's block. The road to D-DAY, nor the road he's taken with BTS to be, in his own words, "the industry standard", was not easy but he's come out the other side appreciative of every road bump. It's an uplifting reminder that, even when riddled with anxiety and doubts, you'll be okay.

SUGA: Road To D-DAY is available to stream on Disney+ and Weverse