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Amadeo makes debut with Clara Benin on new single 'Different Kind of Love' – listen

Amadeo makes debut with Clara Benin on new single 'Different Kind of Love' – listen

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Amadeo have finally released their debut offering.

The Filipino soul-rock quartet shared their first single 'Different Kind of Love,' which features singer-songwriter Clara Benin last Friday (07/05).

"After almost three years, our collaboration with the lovely Clara Beninfinally happened—the timing never felt so right!" Amadeo wrote on their official Facebook page. "It was truly a pleasure working in the studio with her, whilst journeying with her as pals through these years. Love you clar; you’re a legend!"


Even if they'd just gotten their footing in the scene, Amadeo come a long way to get this single out into the world. They'd recruited Gabba Santiago to play acoustic guitar on the track, which they describe as a song of freedom, and had it mastered in Melbourne by Kent Len at KML Studios.

Stream 'Different Kind of Love' below.