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ATARASHII GAKKO! rescue citizens from mundane realities in 'Tokyo Calling' – watch

ATARASHII GAKKO! rescue citizens from mundane realities in 'Tokyo Calling' – watch

Estimated: 1 min  reading

ATARASHII GAKKO! are back with an homage to their home city.

In their latest single, 'Tokyo Calling,' the song explores the mundane realities of everyday life with the group eventually finding optimism and encouragement and chanting "we are marching!". In a press statement, the Toyko-based quartet shares, "In our beloved Tokyo, this song addresses the daily dilemmas and struggles we all face. From Tokyo to all of Japan and to the world, we will send our energy, courage, and love."

The official visual. directed by frequent collaborator Pennacky, the video sees the foursome in gargantuan form to help save the citizens of Tokyo from the "negativity of monotony."

ATARASHII GAKKO! are embarking on their first North American tour this November, before wrapping up with performances at Clockenflap in Hong Kong and Maho Rasop in Bangkok in December.