BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBE on their new single 'LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE', eating cup noodles, and what they're excited for in 2022

BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBE on their new single 'LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE', eating cup noodles, and what they're excited for in 2022

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BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBE are all about being strong.

The seven-member J-pop group has been on a steady rise. Despite the ongoing pandemic, they've managed to keep their spirits high.

Now with things slowly coming back to normal, they've gone out to release 'LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE (ラストダンスに BYE BYE)', their first single of the year. They even went the extra mile to choreograph moves that pushed their abilities. An overwhelming amount of cup noodles were also consumed, but hey, everyone does what we can to get by.

Of course, their climb to the top doesn't stop there. With the partnership of LDH JAPAN and HIGH CLOUD ENTERTAINMENT, BALLISTIK BOYZ will be embarking on a cultural exchange in Thailand that runs for six months. Not only will this give them the opportunity to work with PSYCHIC FEVER and F. Hero, they'll also get the chance to deliver the best versions of themselves to their fans everywhere.


Bandwagon caught up with BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBE to talk about who they are, the story behind 'LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE', fun stories from behind the scenes, the music they've been listening to lately, and what they're looking forward to the most this 2022.

First off, how would you describe the music of BALLISTIK BOYZ? まず、BALLISTIK BOYZの音楽をどのように表現しますか?

Ryuta Hidaka: BALLISTIK BOYZ is made up of seven members who can sing and dance. We all have different voice qualities and specialize in different genres of music, so I believe that our strength lies in our ability to express a wide range of music.

BALLISTIK BOYZは全員が歌って踊れて、7人それぞれの声質も違い 得意な音楽ジャンルも違ったりするので、音楽性の幅が広く様々な音楽を表現できることが強みだと思っています。

Yoshiyuki Kano: We are seven members in the band. Some of us sing while some rap, but essentially, we are a band who are all playing the role of singers and performers together rather than specifically only 1 role each. We want to make music that can be enjoyed not only by the ears but also with your eyes, visually with dance moves and acrobatics.


Ryusei Kainuma: We perform mainly hip-hop, but we also have some ballads and up-tempo music, so I would like to think the BALLISTIK BOYZ is a versatile and ever-evolving band.

HIPHOPメインのテイストで作られておりますが、その中にもバラードだったり、アップテンポ調の音楽も入っていたりするので、多彩、変幻自在という表現がBALLISTIK BOYZっぽいと思います。

Miku Fukahori: Our music is J-pop infused with hip-hop and R&B.

HIP HOPやR&Bを融合させたJ-POPだと思います。

Rikiya Okuda: Our music is a mix of hip-hop, R&B and J-pop, which I feel is very much in tune with the current times. 


Riki Matsui: I think we have a blend of hip-hop, R&B with J-pop flavour going on.

HIPHOP & R&Bテイストの、J-POPだと思います。

Masahiro Sunada: We sing songs that fuses elements of hip-hop, R&B, and pop with a mixture of Japanese and English language.

Hip hop, R&B, Popの要素が混ざった曲調の楽曲を日本語と英語を混ぜて歌っているのが僕らのスタイルです!

What's the story behind ‘LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE’?「LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE」にまつわるエピソード(裏話)は?

Ryuta Hidaka: When we recorded the song, we sang parts that were different from what was originally assigned singing parts to us. Some of the parts were also changed. Everyone in the band can sing, but importantly we want everyone to be able to sing parts that suit them the best. 


Yoshiyuki Kano: I was so fired up for the filming of this music video that I bought myself a necklace, but I was so overzealous that the necklace broke during a dance.


Ryusei Kainuma: We created most of our choreography for our previous songs, and also this time around we wanted to show "We can dance this much." We also asked dancers of the same generation to create the choreography with us. Although it is a difficult dance, the song is catchy and it helps to enhance the song visually. 


Miku Fukahori: This time around, the song is the most intense dance song I have done. It was very difficult to dance many times in the music video.

Miku Fukahori: 今回は今までで一番ガッツリダンスを踊っている曲なのでMVで何回も踊って大変でした。

Rikiya Okuda: During the music video shoot, we were shooting non-stop from the beginning to the end. One of the members' shoe soles slipped off and it was caught on the camera during a good part of the shot. It worked out okay as it was cut, so I'm glad it wasn't a problem!


Riki Matsui: The three singles recorded this time all have different tastes, but with regard to 'WAVIN', it was a song that made me find a new self. We had a lot of discussions in the studio with the staff members and band members then arrived at it.


Masahiro Sunada: Let’s show our dance skills! That was the theme and thought going into creating this piece. The song is catchy with a city pop feel, but the lyrics are sad and frustrating, which makes it actually a very emotionally charged song.

Masahiro Sunada: ダンスをしっかりと見せたい!という思い(テーマ)で今回の作品が作られました。曲調はシティポップな感じでキャッチーですが、歌詞が切なくもどかしい内容になっていてとてもエモーショナルなる楽曲です。

What was it like working with JAY'ED again on ‘LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE’? JAY'EDさんとまた一緒に仕事をしていかがでしたか?

Ryuta Hidaka: I have always looked up to JAY’ED as a senior. I feel very honoured to be able to work with JAY’ED as I enjoy his music as a singer too. He sings so well and I initially found it tough to imitate and express JAY’ED’s technique.


Yoshiyuki Kano: We were very happy to have him create this song. He is one of our favorite artists, and we felt that we had great chemistry with him in the previous Animal release.


Ryusei Kainuma: I have this impression that all songs with JAY’ED will be cool. As with our previous songs together, 'LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE' turned out to be a great piece of work. I personally think that one of JAY’ED’s strengths is how he is able to write lyrics that are based on each band members’ nuances and personalities. It also fits the way we sing in English. It’s difficult to convey this in a sentence but I feel that with the help of JAY’ED, this unique flow is created in order for the song to be produced.

JAY’EDさんとの楽曲は全てカッコいいものに仕上がるイメージがあります。今までの楽曲もそうでしたし、今回の楽曲も最高な作品に仕上がりました。メンバーとの距離が近いというのもありますし、英語が話せるという点が強いのかなと個人的に思っています。文だと伝わりにくいと思いますが… 発音が英語っぽい日本語でメンバーそれぞれのニュアンス、性格を歌詞にしたり、独特なフローを生み出してくれたりするのでそこもJAY’EDさんの強みかなと思います!

Miku Fukahori: I always get excited when JAY'ED's demos come in! I personally love the way the lyrics are thoughtfully written and the nuances.


Rikiya Okuda: As expected, it was really cool that we had the opportunity to work with him again, and I'm very happy!  JAY’ED also speaks English, so he understands the points and nuances we wanted to show. It was a great learning experience being able to together.


Riki Matsui: JAY'ED is someone that all of us at BALLISTIK BOYZ respect, so we were happy to be able to work with him again on this project.

JAY'EDさんは、BALLISTIK BOYZ全員がリスペクトしている方でもあるので、今回また一緒に制作することができ嬉しかったです。

Masahiro Sunada: It was a relaxing recording session, and importantly it helped me develop my skills to be better. 


Do you have any fun stories while working on ‘LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE’ and your new CD that you could share with us? 「LAST DANCE NI BYE BYE」楽曲・CD制作中に起こった、面白いエピソードがあれば教えてください。

Ryuta Hidaka: During the shooting of the music video, Yoshi had bought a new necklace for the shoot, but the new necklace broke during the shooting of an intense dance part.


Yoshiyuki Kano: JAY'ED directed us in the recording process, and we discussed how to improve the song by sharing our opinions with each other.


Ryusei Kainuma: Between you and me… I ate three cup noodles during a break in the shooting. I did not eat them in a timed manner but made and ate three at once.


Miku Fukahori: The album jacket photo was shot in the upper nude. It was decided on the day itself.


Rikiya Okuda: I can't find any funny episodes, but it was a production that felt very personal to me! I went into the recording sessions without thinking too much about it and just felt like I was bringing out what I had, so I did it with no regrets!

Rikiya Okuda: 面白いエピソードは見つからないですが、個人的に凄くしっくりくる制作でした!あまり考えずに自分が持っている物を出す感覚でレコーディングなどにも入ったので悔いなく出来ました!

Riki Matsui: I arrived an hour earlier than we were supposed to.


Masahiro Sunada: When I entered the studio on the day of recording, I found that the part I was supposed to sing had changed. Also, a part that I was told to record but probably would not be used was used as the main part when I listened to the finished sound source.


It's wonderful how you managed to stay in touch with fans despite the pandemic. How does it feel to have actually grown your audience globally? コロナ禍でも、ファンとコミュニケーションを取り続けたことは素晴らしいことです。世界中で視聴者が増えたことについてどう思いますか?

Ryuta Hidaka: I am very happy to know that there are still people who support us even though we have not been able to meet and work with people overseas due to the COVID pandemic, but there is still much more to do. We have a big dream to go on a World Studio Tour, so we would like to expand our activities in Japan, Asia, and the world, and become superstars in Asia and the world.


Yoshiyuki Kano: We are honestly happy because this is what we had hoped for. We are filled with gratitude to our overseas fans who support us, even though we don't see them often! We hope you will continue to give us warm support until we can see you again!


Ryusei Kainuma: It has definitely been frustrating not being able to see all our fans. In the midst of everything, our mission was to deliver music to all of our fans regardless of distance and restrictions. We are so grateful for our fans who have listened to our music, spread it, and of course supported us throughout.


Miku Fukahori: It has always been our aim to go global. It makes us so happy to see so many international fans comment on our works.


Rikiya Okuda: We are so happy! We are so happy to be able to share our daily activities not only in Japan but also with more people overseas! We will do our best to share more exciting information with you. Your support and knowing that you are watching our show is also an inspiration for us to do our best!


Riki Matsui: On one hand, because of the coronavirus disaster, I have become more active in social media, and I think this has given me the opportunity to be seen not only in Japan but also abroad, so I am very happy in that aspect. 


Masahiro Sunada: I have missed seeing all our overseas fans due to the covid pandemic, but it was great to be able to connect with them through SNS, etc. I have felt so much love from all of you! I look forward to finally meeting you this year!


What music have you been listening to lately? 最近はどんな音楽を聴いていますか?

Ryuta Hidaka: I often watch various LIVE videos. I learn a lot from artists who sing and dance, hiphop, rooks, etc., and it makes me want to perform LIVE as soon as possible.


Yoshiyuki Kano: I listen to chill music with a slow tempo.

スロウなテンポのchill musicを聴いたりしています。

Ryusei Kainuma: I started listening to K-pop and T-pop. 

K-POP, T-POPなどを聴くようになりました。

Miku Fukahori: Recently, I have been listening to King Gnu. 

最近はKing Gnuをよく聞いています。

Rikiya Okuda: Lately, I've been listening to jazz and classical music, and of course hip-hop!


Riki Matsui: keshi.

Masahiro Sunada: I listen to country music and T-pop.


From BALLISTIK BOYZ' plans for 2022, which one are you most looking forward to? BALLISTIK BOYZの2022年の活動で、一番楽しみなことは何ですか?

Ryuta Hidaka: We will be heading to Thailand for a project that has recently been announced, so we will not only be based in Japan but also in Thailand. Although I do not know what kind of challenges will await me, this is a big step for us in our quest to go global. I am sure that our overseas fans and Asian fans are looking forward to it, and so are we.


Yoshiyuki Kano: I am looking forward to the activities we will be doing in Thailand, for the first time in my life for as long as 6 months. And I am also looking forward to "THE SURVIVAL 2022 - BALLISTIK BOYZ vs MA55IVE - x PSYCHIC FEVER", a live performance by the three groups.


Ryusei Kainuma: We will be in Thailand for 6 months starting from August. This is under a partnership with our management LDH JAPAN and F. Hero’s High Cloud Entertainment (Thailand). The more I imagine it, the more it feels like my dream is expanding, the more excited I get. I’m looking forward to it. But before that, we have a tour in Japan, June, so I would like to get some energy for our Japanese fans before we head to Thailand. I am looking forward to seeing all of you!


Miku Fukahori: We’ll be in Thailand! We are one step closer to global expansion!


Rikiya Okuda: Going to Thailand will be a chance to show our entertainment and musicality to many people who do not already know us. We hope to make music with many people in Thailand and create new and fun memories with them, and let them know how good we are.


Riki Matsui: I am very excited to be able to work not only in Japan but also in Thailand. I am very much looking forward to finally starting something that has been standing still for a long time...I can't help it.


Masahiro Sunada: Our upcoming Thailand project!
