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Bandung's very own Push/Pull returns with fresh new line-up

Bandung's very own Push/Pull returns with fresh new line-up

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Bandung's notable party crew, Push/Pull is back for another shindig. Only this time the usual DJs such as Kiks, Joni, Bayu, Ngangah and Sattle won't be playing. Instead, they have picked five of their new favorite wild boys to play which are guaranteed to start a different kind of fire. They are Awfi, Ofri, Adri, Bernhard and Fiky. They will play selections of danceable tracks in general both organic and electronic. 

Push/Pull: Remastered! will be held this Friday the on May 12 starting 9PM until 3AM. It's a free entry, although they mentioned that the party will be held in Bandung, West Java, venue details will be announced closer to date. 

Watch the teaser below