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Baybeats 2018 releases festival schedule for full lineup

Baybeats 2018 releases festival schedule for full lineup

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Last week, Baybeats released its exciting lineup for this year's festival. Now, via a press release, the daily schedule has been released.

Besides the set timings, the press release also notes that this will be the last year the Powerhouse Stage will be at the Esplanade Waterfront for Baybeats. The big stage, earmarked for heavier music each year, will no longer have pride of place along the waterfront because the Esplanade's new waterfront theatre will begin construction in that area in 2019.

"From moshing to crowd surfing, we’ve had many fond memories at this outdoor performance venue with our audiences and artists," commented lead Baybeats programmer Sai Akileshwar. "While we’re sad that this is the last year we’ll be able to have the Powerhouse Stage at its current location, we assure everyone that we are working hard to identify a suitable alternative venue for our future editions! Most importantly, Baybeats will continue to feature the wide range of music it always has."

While you reflect on the many good memories you've had moshing and slam dancing in the gravel at the Powerhouse Stage, check out the full lineup below:

Day 1 (Friday, 17 August)

Kin Leonn
Coming Up Roses
Disco Hue (pictured, right)
Totemo (IS)
Trust the Chaos
Terminal Cry
EMONIGHTSG (pictured, middle)

Day 2 (Saturday, 18 August)

Midnight Fusic (MY)
Totemo (IS)
Falling Feathers
Force Vomit
Zamaera (MY) (pictured, left)
Paris in the Making
The Full Pledge Munkees
Hundredth (US)
Akeem Jahat
Yung Raja x Fariz Jabba

Day 3 (Sunday, 19 August)

Love x Stereo (KR)
Midnight Fusic (MY)
Sherene's Closet
Mooner (ID)
Kyoto Protocol (MY)
Superman is Dead (ID)
Cosmic Owls

See the set timings for Baybeats 2018 here: