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BIBI is back for vengeance in new single 'Animal Farm' — watch

BIBI is back for vengeance in new single 'Animal Farm' — watch

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BIBI is back!

On 27 September, the Korean singer-songwriter returned with the release of her vengeful new single 'Animal Farm' via 88rising and FEEL GHOOD MUSIC in celebration of her 24th birthday. The track comes as the first glimpse of her highly anticipated album, Lowlife Princess – Noir which is slated for release soon. 

'Animal Farm' dropped alongside an epic visual that sees BIBI exact revenge in an epic and bloody battle to the deaths. 

Lowlife Princess – Noir will come as the 'The Weekend' singer's first full-length album, following the release of her 2021 EP, Life Is A Bi...

Throughout the record, BIBI is said to take on the role of Oh Geum-ji taking inspiration from Lee Geum-ja from the Korean thriller classic Lady Vengeance. The album, which is set in a dystopian 2044, will see Oh Geum-ji rise to be the leader of an underground society, said BIBI in an interview with Twitch streamer Joo Ho-min. Lowlife Prince – Noir will also take the form of a webtoon that BIBI shares will be released in November. 

BIBI is set to perform at Head In The Clouds Jakarta this December.