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BrgyTibay keep things heavy at Year-Ender show – photo gallery

BrgyTibay keep things heavy at Year-Ender show – photo gallery

Estimated: 1 min  reading

BrgyTibay forged on to throw a heavy year-ender show at Studio 72 on Friday (12/14).

All throughout the Brgy.Tibay Year-Ender, mosh pits were fueled by raw performances by the country's favorite metal acts including GreyhoundzQuesoArcadiaSingkopado SoundsystemSupremoVIECosmic LoveEmar IndustriyaValley of ChromeTypecastSkychurchThe RepublicatsSnakefight, and Tubero with Pampanga's Chapters, and Pangasinan's Iglot

Revisit the Brgy.Tibay Year-Ender show below.