Celebrate 2022 with your most-played songs and artists with YouTube Music Recap

Celebrate 2022 with your most-played songs and artists with YouTube Music Recap

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It's been quite the year and YouTube Music is here to celebrate it all. 

With the end of 2022 drawing near, YouTube Music has launched its annual Recap to commemorate all the music that's soundtracked your year. Users will be able to relive the music that they sang, danced, and maybe even cried to as the streaming service lists out listeners' music habits, from their top songs and artists to their top music videos and playlists. 

Following Recap's launch last year, YouTube Music has decided to add new personalised features including Top Trends where you can see the artists you discovered before other users, Identity where you can discover your "music personality", and Hard-To-Find Content where you can find the unique content you stumbled upon in 2022. 


YouTube also recaps your top-played music videos of the year. You can access your Recap on both the YouTube and YouTube Music app.