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CHAI to curate NEO KAWAII FESTIVAL 2023; Phum Viphurit announced as first guest artist

CHAI to curate NEO KAWAII FESTIVAL 2023; Phum Viphurit announced as first guest artist

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CHAI are curating their very own festival.

Earlier today (10/03), the Japanese pop group took it to socials to announce NEO KAWAII FESTIVAL 2023. The festival is set to happen on 27 April 2023 at Zepp Shinjuku in Tokyo. The complete line-up is yet to be revealed but the quartet already mentioned that Thai singer-songwriter Phum Viphurit will be performing. 

They wrote:

"NEO KAWAII" is not just "kawaii" - it's cool, it's one and only, and a word that is for everyone and anyone. That means that this is the place where we can meet YOUR "NEO KAWAII"!

"Express yourself in a way that only you can - go crazy and shout, and cry and scream! There's no place for embarrassment. Who cares what other people say? Play in your own special way! We want to meet the you, the way you were born. For the future of every person on this earth, we hope that the world will be filled with "NEO KAWAII," the biggest compliment in our eyes.

Fan club presale is now live here until 15 March 2023 at 11:59 PM JST, while general sale starts on 2 April 2023.

In January, CHAI released a limited edition Japanese EP, ジャジャーン (JAJAN), together with their single 'That's LOVE'

Watch CHAI's 'That's LOVE' here: