Della Ding Dang is the concert queen of the night in triumphant return to Singapore — gig report

Della Ding Dang is the concert queen of the night in triumphant return to Singapore — gig report

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宠粉 (chǒng fěn): a chinese phrase that refers to a celebrity spoiling their fans to enormous amounts of fan service

“I think I’m known to spoil my fans,” admits Mandopop icon, Della Ding Dang, at her Friday night concert, Sing Together Again 2022 Live In Singapore. Held at The Star Performing Arts Centre on the meaningful ‘520’ day of romance, the ‘猜不透 (Can’t Guess)’ hitmaker was full of amor at the show that was long-awaited for fans and singer alike. 

丁当 Sing Together Again 2022 Live in Singapore

Motivated by her tendency to “宠粉” and wishing to show her fans a nostalgic walk down memory lane with her setlist of hits (which dated all the way from the early 2000’s), the energetic Taiwanese singer could care less about costume changes, savouring every minute of the nearly 2 hour show, neither did she hesitate to allow a fan to wipe her sweat for her in the middle of the show. 


As a seemingly nonchalant crowd began to fill the three levels of the concert hall, I witnessed for the first time, a rather subdued pre-concert buzz. The sight was truly one to behold as the audiences made no attempt at giddy chatter even when music videos were played across the screens, specially curated to draw excitement. 

In my head, I was rather curious at how this slate of concert-goers would react at the appearance of the romantic chart-topper and as the lights dimmed 10 minutes past 8, I got my answer. 

Unsure and tentative, the crowd looked at each other almost comically when Della’s strong voice rang out, asking fans to “get out of their seats”. And yet, as soon as the first lines of ‘夜猫 (Night Cat)’ were crooned, the once awkward audience transformed into a vivacious, bursting mass of music-lovers under the veteran vocalist’ dynamic stage presence and aura, which she wielded to bring so many out of their shell. 

Throughout the night, Della toed the line between a dance singer and her original image as the queen of power ballads. “Did some of you wonder if you were in the wrong hall?” she teased after a breathtaking performance of ‘快乐颂’, “The thing is, these two years, I kept busy by dancing and in my opinion, my skills have become pretty impressive.” 

Indeed a night of subverting expectations and genre-bending, a clear standout would have to be ‘都是月老惹的祸’ where the King of Masked Singer alum had fans in a semi-hypnotic trance, eliciting synchronised handwaving that would perhaps, be a more familiar sight at hip-hop concerts. 

Giving her fans what they came for was never out of the equation for Della as she transitioned to the promised Chinese love songs from her discography. Following after the fan-favourite ‘猜不透 (Can’t Guess)’, she performed a touching rendition of ‘一半 (One Half)’, lead independently by her and her pianist. While other artists might traditionally be more wary or cautious about the rawness of the backing instruments and lack of backup vocals, she remained undaunted and captivated with her pristine voice. 

Additionally, who could possibly miss out ‘你为什么说谎 (Why did you lie)’, the track which forged her upward trajectory to being crowned as romance ballad royalty? As her golden pipes soar with overwhelming craft and emotion, she conjured excitement and seized attention as an emotionally-freight breath was expelled before a high, crescendoing note. 

The respect and reverence among her longtime fans in the audience was palpable, only willing to release elated cheers and thunderous applause in between verses. To their surprise, one lucky Malaysian fan was spontaneously invited by the singer herself, to share the stage in a fun duet of Richie Jean’s ‘心太软 (Too Soft Hearted)’. Audiences chorused in support of the exhilarated fan as he gave his 200% through animated dance moves. 

“Songs from this era remind me of my own youth and childhood friends. They are memories within a song that I’d love to share with you.” Della divulged, before going on to singing bangers like ‘爱如潮水 (Love is like a tide)’ and ‘输了你赢了世界又如何 (Losing You, What Does It Matter If I Win The World)’. 

True to the concert titled Sing Together Again, the Taiwanese diva forgoed backing instruments as she encouraged fans to belt lines of her most popular hits, ‘我是一隻小小鳥 (I am a little bird)’ and ‘洋葱 (Onion)’, in a intimate and heartwarming segment. 

Ending off the night with ‘我爱他 (I love him)’, the screams of adoring fans that overlapped a striking guitar solo was truly a treat for the ears after a 2-year-long live show hiatus in the Lion City. Fervently embracing her artistry and musicianship, Della revelled in unfailing energy, channelling her pro-level stamina in marking a significant and apt celebration of the reopening of live venues after the pandemic. 

Della’s Sing Together Again 2022 was a touching tribute to the established artist’s past and at the same time, an optimistic shout into the future as she rounded off her concert reluctantly by saying half-jokingly, “I hope you will be able to welcome Della the dance singer with open arms very soon.” No matter the presentation, Della will undoubtedly continue to reign over her adoring fans with equal affection as queen of the night.