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Here's how some of these iconic Singaporean album artworks were made — watch

Here's how some of these iconic Singaporean album artworks were made — watch

Estimated: 1 min  reading

The conversation of the visual element of music has never gotten a proper platform — let alone one that includes the visual artists that have helped bring Singaporean albums to fruition.

Recently, Indigo Child and Design Says Hello collaborated to produce a short documentary, placing the spotlight on some of these artists — specifically the ones responsible for the artwork that adorns albums by .gif, Gentle Bones, Intriguant and Linying, along with the underrated art of live concert visuals.

Titled ‘A Showcase of Design in Singapore’s Music Scene’, this short documentary is part of D# (pronounced as D sharp), a new platform that aims to create “visual presentation Singapore’s talented designers in the music industry with the intention to create a deeper conversation on the importance and role of design in the process of artist branding and development”.

Featuring Marc Gabriel Loh, .gif, Dawn Ang (Aeropalmics), Intriguant, Le Matt, Linying and Super System, watch them tell you more about how musicians and designers work closely together to tell their stories.

Additionally, read our interview with Dawn Ang to learn more about the artwork for Intriguant's Recluse.