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Doomy hardcore band Hexis to play The Analog Factory in Singapore

Doomy hardcore band Hexis to play The Analog Factory in Singapore

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They might be playing on the same day as Laneway, but they're obviously catering to a different crowd.

Denmark's Hexis, amidst a lengthy tour in Southeast Asia, have booked a date in Singapore on January 21st. Performing at The Analog Factory, the five-piece band will play alongside Singaporean bands hrvst and Calvaire. The show starts at 6pm and door tickets are $12.

While they'll only perform one date in Singapore, the band intends to tour several dates in Indonesia, before heading to Taiwan and South Korea.

Hexis — who play a stunning mixture of doom metal, hardcore punk and black metal — are currently touring Malaysia after performing in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.


Check out their entire list of dates in Southeast Asia here.

Stream Hexis' album Abalam: