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Ebe Dancel to hold benefit show for Save the Laguna Pit Bulls Sanctuary

Ebe Dancel to hold benefit show for Save the Laguna Pit Bulls Sanctuary

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Ebe Dancel is paying it forward this May.

In an effort to raise funds for the dogs at the Save The Laguna Pit Bulls Sanctuary, Ebe Dancel will be holding a benefit show at Conspiracy Garden Cafe in Quezon City on May 24 (Friday).

"Some of you have waited patiently until i was ready to play more shows again. Thank you. I think that time has come," Dancel writes in a post. "I'm happy to be back, and this next one is for the Save The Laguna Pitbulls Sanctuary. I'm doing a long set and I really hope to see you there."

Tickets will be available at the door for PHP 350.

Check out the poster below for details.