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Fête de la Musique adds fourth date for its 25th anniversary

Fête de la Musique adds fourth date for its 25th anniversary

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This year's edition of Fête de la Musique just got even bigger.

In a press release, Fête de la Musique announced that they will be adding one more day to celebrate their 25th anniversary. The additional date moves the A-Venue Main Stage to June 21 (Friday) "to ensure better safety and for a more wonderful celebration of music," they write, in light of Makati City's founding anniversary. Performances are scheduled to kick off at 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. 

The Fête Greenbelt Main Stage as well as the Makati pocket stages will still take place on June 22 (Saturday) at 4 p.m.

Admission to all Fête de la Musique stages is free.

Check out the poster below for details.

Check back here soon for our comprehensive guide to Fête de la Musique 2019!