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Grimes reveals that her new single 'So Heavy' will be out this week

Grimes reveals that her new single 'So Heavy' will be out this week

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Though Miss_Anthropocene, the follow-up to Grimes' excellent 2015 album Art Angels doesn't yet have a release date, the Canadian singer has announced that the album's next single 'So Heavy' will be out in the ether on Friday15 November.


Hooo boy finally just got release dates for things from label this AM ..... SO HEAVY I FELL THROUGH THE EARTH Fri

A post shared by Grimes (@grimes) on

In an Instagram post, Grimes also shared the single's accompanying artwork. 

'So Heavy' will follow a series of songs Grimes has released between 2018 and 2019, including 'We Appreciate Power' and 'Violence'.