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Bandung-based shoegazers Heals drop debut album Spectrum — listen

Bandung-based shoegazers Heals drop debut album Spectrum — listen

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Heals radiate coolness, and now it's served in spades with a debut full length, titled Spectrum

An alternative rock band coming from Bandung, Heals was formed in 2013, comprising of Alyuadi Febryansyah (lead vocals/guitar), Reza Arinal (back vocals/guitar), Muhammad Ramdhan (guitars), Octavia Variana (backing vocals/bass) and Adi Reza (drums).

Being influenced by bands such as My VitriolSunny Day Real EstateTokyo Shoegazer and the likes of it, Heals deliver music in a style along the lines of new wave and shoegaze — emitting 80s goth charm and conjuring an ungodly amount of dreamy reverb all at the same time.

Their debut album titled Spectrum is now available digitally. The physical release of the album can be purchased through ffwd/ffcuts records.