HYBS on Well Done concert, the music they made together, goodbyes, and new beginnings

HYBS on Well Done concert, the music they made together, goodbyes, and new beginnings

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When James Alyn Wee and Karn Kasidej Hongladaromp announced the end of their time as HYBS, the resounding reaction from fans and industry people alike was one of pure surprise. “When we started this project, we never meant for it to go on forever,” HYBS had said in their statement, showing that it was a more than amicable decision, one that follows a more natural order; but as with any goodbye, it still couldn’t be helped that it was met with some sadness.

You don’t often hear of artists ending their journey while they’re at their peak the way the duo had been — after making waves online and gathering millions of streams worldwide for their music, they had gone on to tour throughout Asia and hit some of the biggest festivals in the region. They collaborated and released songs with fellow artists they met at almost every destination. Here in Bangkok, it was not out of the ordinary to hear a HYBS track whether you’re at a coffee shop, a clothing store, or even waiting your turn at a hip little hair salon. Their reach and influence were undeniable. 

In a way, the way HYBS’ story ended was as surprising as how it began; but when you think about it, it reflected the very attitude and vision they’ve had since the start, something that was always present in their music and which they showed at the concert they held to mark their final moments as a unit. 


On 16 March, their very last show, surrounded by an impressive set and a massive sea of fans, the duo performed to their hearts’ content and made sure it was an experience we would never forget. 

I was particularly amazed at how they had brought the diner from the Making Steak cover to life, and incorporated every section of it with each performance, the shifts in lighting and animated backdrops creating the perfect mood every time. It was also especially heartwarming to see them share the stage with their friends and collaborators who have made their way to Thailand from all across Asia – SIRUP! from Japan, brb. from Singapore, and GANGGA from Indonesia – to celebrate everything they have accomplished in this very special final showcase. 

From the moment the curtain lit up at the start of the show and then dropped to reveal HYBS serenading us from a satellite, to the time the lights shut off and their final message flashed on stage as the confetti spelling “H-Y-B-S-🦐🦐” fell to the ground, everyone present were showered with James and Karn’s love.  

We at Bandwagon have been following HYBS since their earlier days — I’d even personally interviewed them at VERY Festival — so when they said they were doing one last concert, I knew it was an event we couldn’t miss. And I’m so glad we didn’t. 

My friend Eyths, a fellow Filipino based in Bangkok, had joined me then. He was already bubbling with emotion from the time we met up. On the way to the venue, he shared how he first saw them live at a coffee shop gig and how their music has accompanied him through both happy and tough times. 

I asked him for his thoughts after the concert. “[It] was bittersweet,” he said. “I felt the immense love of both Karn and James for their fans as they shed tears once they sang their last song. They nailed it. Perfectly well done.”

Fans also shed tears with the boys in those final moments. “I have no words to describe how I felt when the first version of ‘Ride’ started,” said Pannita. “My tears fell and my heart beat faster. All I wanted to do was shout out and sing, ‘Please, don’t you go.’” 

Back in 2022, during our first interview with them, we asked the duo what they thought made their music resonate with so many people, and they made a guess that it was about how the easy words and vibe of their music were based on what they loved

Many clearly found it very easy to love the songs HYBS have shared. But if you ask their fans, there’s just one thing that wasn’t easy to handle: their farewell. 

Still, we will always have the memories and the music. And we’ll always remember the messages they had left with us – that if you do what you love and stay true to yourself, you will find your people to share many cherished moments with; that nothing lasts forever, so give everything your best and make every moment count, so you can be at peace with moving on; and that it’s not about how long you’ve known one another and spent time together, but the impact you’ve had on each other’s lives.

Weeks after the show, we caught up with James and Karn again via email, to check on how they’ve been doing and their feelings about the time they’ve spent together as HYBS as well as the future.

Hi, James and Karn! How are you? How’s it been since your last show as HYBS?

James: Still feels like yesterday for me hahaha. What a way to finish a chapter full of happiness and sadness… so many emotions back then. But yeah, I’ve been doing fine :).

Karn: Me too. Feels like we just bowed to our audiences yesterday. Haven’t done anything much since then. Caught a little cold after the concert hahaha but apart from that, I’m doing great!

Tell us more about your Well Done concert. How did you prepare for this concert knowing it would be your final concert together?

James: For me, at a time, I try not to think of it as a finale of anything sad or dramatic but instead I just wanna have fun with my friends as HYBS for one last time. 

Karn: Me too. The vibe at the rehearsal was pretty easy and chilling. We got to meet all the members of the HYBS team again. It was amazing!

Your collaborators .brb, SIRUP, and GANGGA joined you onstage to perform your songs together. What was that experience like having performed some of these songs live together for the first (and last) time?

James: Well, it’s always fun performing with these guys. They are all amazing. The vibe we shared on the stage is one of a kind. I really hope the audiences enjoyed both days :)

Karn: Talking about them, man, it’s been very fun working with creative people from so many countries. I always like the time we make music together and when it comes to life, it was an experience that we might not be able to get elsewhere.

The show experience involved so much detail – from the merch freebies given at the door to the confetti that spelled out HYBS. How involved were you in the production of the show? Who are the people you worked with for the concert

James & Karn: We mainly focused on the show itself but we do know what the team had in their sleeves for the audiences and fans who came on both nights which we felt like we wanna be an audienceeee (lol). Props to Juicey and LOVEiS teams for such amazing preparation! and to the Saturate Team for such a dope stage! Hope people like what they get from the concert.

Fans from across the region, as well as many of your artist friends (from Bright Vachirawit to Tilly Birds), showed up to send you off one last time. Take us through what was going on in your minds as you took your final bows as HYBS.

James: It feels nice to see our friends coming to our last show. As I was taking the final bows, it felt so unreal. The feelings were mixed and super emotional back then. But mostly it felt good at the end.

Karn: Unreallll. But as we always told our friends and our listeners, My thoughts were that this is not exactly a goodbye. I do hope that we’ll be seeing each other again sometime soon!

You had a short, but impactful run together as HYBS. What’s your favourite song you wrote as HYBS?

James: For me, it’s been ‘Prettiest To Me’ all along.

Karn: For me right now, it’s ‘Satellite’. Favourite so far!

What would you like to be remembered for as HYBS?

James: There were once two friends hanging out, eating steak and suddenly got two albums, four collaborations, quite a number of tours and a grand finale concert!

Karn: Two shrimps making music and they are glad that their music connected people :)

As HYBS ends, the two of you will be heading in different directions. Tell us more about your future solo paths as you move forward.

James: I’m going to be doing my solo artist career. Please stay tuned for 'James Alyn’ in the coming months!

Karn: Working on the songs too. Stay tuned for my project too:)

Lastly, what’s your message for:

Fans who have followed you since the beginning

HYBS: Thank you so much for always being a good support for this project. We never thought we could be at this point in life without you guys from the start.

Music fans who are only discovering your music now

HYBS: We hope you enjoy our music for the time being. If you ever find out we disband, just remember one thing. You can always meet us again and again and again through our music!

What’s your message for each other, as you part ways?

James: Told ya already at the concert hahaha. But yeah, good luck in life bro.
I’ll be rooting for your work as always. It’s been a great journey from the day we did the reels together. Good job, man. Love yaaa.

Karn: Man, this part is hard. But the same goes to you. I’ll be supporting your career and your life. Just so you know you can always text me if you feel bored or anything. I’ll always be here! Love you too bro <3. 

Interview by Camille Castillo