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It's official: Laneway Festival Singapore won't be happening in January next year

It's official: Laneway Festival Singapore won't be happening in January next year

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There will be no Laneway Festival Singapore in January 2019. The organization behind the festival has announced via Facebook and Instagram that the all day, multi-stage indie extravaganza will not be happening next year due to, "unavoidable logistical & programming complexities". However, it also stated that, it's "hoping to bring Laneway Singapore back later in 2019 and are currently busy making plans with that in mind".

Does that mean that there'll be a Laneway staging later in the year? Nothing has been confirmed at this point.

Read the full post below.


Thank you for bearing with us as we know a lot of people are eager to hear about our plans for Laneway Singapore. The festival will not be going ahead in January 2019 due to unavoidable logistical & programming complexities. However we are still hoping to bring Laneway Singapore back later in 2019 and are currently busy making plans with that in mind. Stay tuned - we'll keep you posted as we have more info to pass on! Thank you so much to everyone for your support of Laneway Singapore over the past years, we know a lot of people may be disappointed but we hope you're also as excited about the future as we are. For tickets and more info about Laneway Australia or New Zealand head to

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