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January's Vive EP: A track-by-track guide

January's Vive EP: A track-by-track guide

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Thailand's January have unveiled their second EP to the world.

Just in time for Christmas, the math-rock trio dropped their EP VIVE, which follows the August release of their debut EP REV, via A Spur of the Moment Project.

"2018 was fantastic for us," the band writes in a statement, sharing how excited they about everyone who caught their live shows. "We would like to say thanks to all of you who always support us and wished you guys the best in 2019."

January are slated to release their first full-length album in 2019.

Here's a track-by-track guide to January's second EP VIVE.


'Fall' is like the journey of struggling - where you seem to be falling down,  but no matter how hard [things are] we always keep going. This song has a tricky rhythm and really fun to play.


This is the most chilling [song] in this EP, catchy melody. [It's like] fading from something. This song has nice grooves and they are easy to memorize.


The brightest song of the EP. The new beginning.


'Vive', the end of our setlist. We usually play it as the last song because this song is the conclusion of our EPs Rev and Vive. We collected the elements of both and combined them to define the meaning of the things that we try to tell the audience. 

Once Pt 2

This is a bonus track that has been done simultaneously with the first EP Rev, but in that time we picked the Thai version first. The lyrics are dedicated to Jan (The Old Jan). Hahaha.

Get the new EP here.