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WATCH: JAWN traverses Mount Faber to perform 'Gold' in Bandwagon Sessions

WATCH: JAWN traverses Mount Faber to perform 'Gold' in Bandwagon Sessions

Estimated: 1 min  reading

JAWN, real name Jon Chan, has always worn his heart on his sleeve.

But while the themes and situations he tackles in his music seem all too familiar, JAWN's distinct earnestness and lyrical restraint has made him one to watch as 2016 unfolds some of its best newer acts in Singapore.

A designer by trade, JAWN has also given extra effort into the packaging and presentation of his debut self-titled EP, and it only strengthens his commitment to his craft even if he isn't pursuing it full-time for now.

We engaged JAWN to join us on a Thursday morning at Mount Faber for a revival of Bandwagon Sessions — amidst curious tourists and the morning heat stifled by the high-altitude breeze, JAWN treated us to a performance of 'Gold'. 

Watch JAWN in the return of Bandwagon Sessions: