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Chase your COVID-19 blues away with this Malaysian family's original blues tune – watch

Chase your COVID-19 blues away with this Malaysian family's original blues tune – watch

Estimated: 3 mins  reading


"COVID-19, you bring me bad luck, you got me locked at home eating nothing but Maggi Cup (aka. cup noodles)."

Most Malaysians would be able to relate to this, as they resigned to yet another day at home, as regulated by the Malaysian government's Movement Control Order. For this Malaysian musician from country band Gombak Hillbillies, he did not stop at eating his Maggi Cup or watching TV all day. Combining his everyday sentiments with a blues arrangement on his guitar, he dropped his first original song 'COVID-19 Blues', with his wife and daughter as backup singers. Watch out for their pet cat too!

The video has been up on YouTube since last April and has gained over 131,000 views since. Malaysian news outlet, The Star, has featured the video as one of the five most creative COVID-19 songs created by Malaysians.

As he sings "now I miss my Mamak and I miss my Teh, I miss sitting and smoking while I wait for my Thosai", Malaysians and viewers worldwide gave him a thumbs up and complimented him for evoking nostalgia and putting smiles on their faces. Living in a world of uncertainty during this pandemic, staying positive has never been more relevant before. Hopefully, the upbeat, swinging rhythm of this song, plus its cheeky lyrics will chase your COVID-19 blues away.

Sing along to the catchy song with the lyrics below!

When I wake up in the morning
I turn on the news
The Prime Minister says I got nothing but the blues
We are all facing a terrible plague
So you can't go to work and you can't go out to play
Covid-19, you scary little thing
You got me locked at home, screwing up my routine

My dear fellow citizens', he went on to say
'I'm so sorry but there's no other way' 'Just stay at home, please stay safe'
Wash your hands and don't touch your face
Covid-19 (Covid-19)
You dirty protein
You got me locked at home fussing over my hygiene

I go down to the supermarket to get some supplies
Cause a man's gotta eat if he wants to survive
The egg trays are empty lemme tell ya
You're a lucky boy if you get Gardenia
Covid-19 (Covid-19)
You bring me bad luck
You got me locked at home eating nothing but Maggi Cup

Now it's been a while since I've seen Ma and Pa
I miss them so much so I jump into my car
Cop at the roadblock says you can't leave town
'I will lock you in jail if you don't turn around'
Covid-19 (Covid-19)
You break my heart
You got me locked at home, Keeping my loved ones apart [Music]

Aahhh Ouuuu

Now I miss my Mamak and I miss my Teh
I miss sitting and smoking while waiting for my Thosai
I missed seeing the tables and chairs lined up on the street and
The rats and the roaches runnin' underneath my feet
Covid-19 (Covid-19)
You took my life away
You got me locked at home, You're driving me insane

Now my wife has changed,
God only knows---she used to want me
Always so close but now that I'm home she's actin' like a jerk
I said 'what's wrong with you' and she said 'social distancing, haven't you heard?'
Covid-19 (Covid-19)
You make my wife turn
You got me locked at home, You're driving me berserk

Now my daughter's stuck at home
She can't go to school
She watches Spongebob all day all night all afternoon
I said too much TV will mess up your head and she goes: (Spongebob laugh)

You give me bad dreams
You got me locked at home, You're driving me insane
One more time [Music]
You got us locked at home, You're driving us all insane