For every ‘hidden gem’ the industry claims to unearth, there are several more that fall through the cracks. Lauren Faith is one of them. The British chanteuse and songwriter has trafficked in the lilting writing style favoured by big names but for the most part, she was always a bit player. But today, she steps out on her own terms with her beautiful Kaytranda-produced debut single, ‘Just a Little’, off her forthcoming EP.
Having worked with the Montreal scene-stealer back when she was assisting him in writing songs for Craig David, Faith demonstrates a palpable chemistry with his fantastic approach here. The beats are thrusting, insistent but propulsive in a dynamic way; the pound of the journey is the climax here. Warm synths strobe in and out of polyrhythms and micro-melodies – it’s the kind of song where, if you catch the hook, you body will respond accordingly.
For her part, Faith more than shows up. The gleaming sonics are the perfect carriage for her sweet-but-knowing vocals. She can plead, coo and proclaim with a definitive power that is a pleasure to behold. When she ad libs, “Work it / Make it hot”, you can feel the intent in her voice. The quivering bass underneath it all is just the house-leaning cherry on top.
Listen to it below.
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