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Kehlani releases gorgeous music video for 'Butterfly', featuring teachers and students from her middle school – watch

Kehlani releases gorgeous music video for 'Butterfly', featuring teachers and students from her middle school – watch

Estimated: 1 min  reading

'Butterfly', the lead single off Kehlani's recent mixtape While We Wait, is a supernaturally beautiful, hushed ode to the generative power of love, of the actual creation that its intimacy implies and portends. It's only fitting, then, that the song's accompanying music video, directed by Trey Lyons, unfolds in a cocoon-shaped world, where she is the love-beaming butterfly, the all-encompassing centrepiece.


i went back to my old middle school & found @omartwinz12 , these two little geniuses not only showed up and were incredibly epic/professional to work with, but they choreographed their entire piece the night before. my set was built and designed by my production/set design teacher, Mr. Revon & assisted by students who stayed up till 3 am working on that beautiful cocoon. the wings were designed and built by my costume design teacher Ms.Linda, assisted by a student. thank you Oakland School for the Arts for cultivating such a beautiful community, and teaching me so much of what i use today in my career. directed by the youngest director i’ve ever worked with @treylyons , thank you for bringing my vision to life. #Butterfly 🦋 #whilewewait

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In an instagram post, the Californian singer-songwriter revealed that she went back to her middle school, the Oakland School for the Arts, and worked with former teacher Mr. Revon on the construction on the cocoon-esque universe, costume design teacher Ms. Linda on the butterfly wings she wears, as well as with current students, including a pair of twins which were instrumental in the choreography.

Watch the video below.