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Lauv and Troye Sivan are love-scorned ghosts in music video for 'I'm So Tired..."

Lauv and Troye Sivan are love-scorned ghosts in music video for 'I'm So Tired..."

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In true anti-love fashion, Lauv and Troye Sivan released the music video for 'I'm So Tired...' on the night of Valentine's Day. 

The music video builds upon the duo's newfound hatred for all things sappy and romantic, as they disrupt cute couples on dates; Lauv bitterly shoves a straw into a couple's milkshake, while Troye sits atop a car in which a couple make out, dangling his feet against the windows for them to see.

 In a statement about the vintage-filtered vid, Lauv said, "In 'I'm So Tired...', Troye and I are bitter heartbroken ghosts amidst super-in-love couples who are being... all in love. It was freezing. Troye was harnessed on top of a car and I almost fell off a diner. It was fun."

Troye added, "The 'I'm So Tired...' video sees Lauv and I become heartbroken, love-scorned ghosts messing with the loved up couples around us. It was such a good time to make."

Check out the music video below.