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LISTEN: Tim De Cotta recruits weish for lead single 'Rain', debut album forthcoming

LISTEN: Tim De Cotta recruits weish for lead single 'Rain', debut album forthcoming

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With the launch concert for his debut full-length album forthcoming next week at Studio Point, Singaporean bassist, singer and rapper Tim De Cotta is busy getting ready for the big day.

And with a successful Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for The Warrior raising an encouraging total $3,549, its safe to say that plenty of people are excited for the LP.

Now eight days out from the event, Tim De Cotta has finally unveiled the first taste from his freshman solo record.

Smooth, passionate, funky and oh-so soulful - 'Rain' presents listeners with the perfect appetizer for his outstanding new record. As a special bonus, the lead single also features wonderful backing vocals from weish (.gif, sub:shaman).

This is only one of three tracks featuring weish taken off the album - and you also look out for other special guests such as Mars, Vandetta, Michaela Therese, Intriguant, Mean, Mediocre Haircut Crew to make their presence felt on The Warrior.

If you haven't already done so, you can buy tickets for Tim De Cotta's highly-anticipated album launch, happening on Saturday, 11 March, via Peatix here. The concert will also be supported by rising local soul-pop band The Astronauts.

Listen to 'Rain' featuring weish below.