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LISTEN: Xingfoo&roy's debut album, 10 Dating Tips for the Spineless Youth Addicted to Pornography

LISTEN: Xingfoo&roy's debut album, 10 Dating Tips for the Spineless Youth Addicted to Pornography

Estimated: 1 min  reading

We've written about Xingfoo&roy's rough, Anchor-themed form of emo music before, and now the band has quietly released their debut album before year's end.

Titled 10 Dating Tips For The Spineless Youth Addicted To Pornography, it isn't a guide to dating as much as it is an unhinged collection of stories depicting hopeless romantics and fragile relationships.

If that sounds right up your alley, then, feel free to start delving into 10 Dating Tips For The Spineless Youth Addicted To Pornography immediately. But otherwise, this is a nice, anthemic collection of tracks that are both therapeutic and gratifying.

The band intends to launch the album on February 4th, 2017 at a house party-styled chalet unit. "Xingfoo&Roy extends invitations to all who love barbeque, booze and sad music you can dance to," they say.

Listen to 10 Dating Tips For The Spineless Youth Addicted To Pornography here: