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Miss Lou premieres single off debut EP, 'More Than Just That Bass' — listen

Miss Lou premieres single off debut EP, 'More Than Just That Bass' — listen

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Local songstress Miss Lou has released the first single off her debut EP, Glamour Vintage Songbird.

'More Than Just That Bass' is the perfect introduction track to the world of Miss Lou for anyone who isn't familiar with the singer. The title of the EP is indication enough of what Lou's music entails, but the debut single encompasses everything about the classic vintage pop artist. 

She has her sights set on spreading positivity and it shows in 'More Than Just That Bass', a track that promotes body positivity right from the get-go with the opening line "You don't need to look like Nicki, with all that booty, to find that you're beautiful." Miss Lou's taking the reigns from Meghan Trainor, but she keeps it going in her own style.

Glamour Vintage Songbird will be released on September 22nd.


Check out the debut single below: