Naniwa Danshi release latest single ‘I Wish’, get candid about their hopes and dreams

Naniwa Danshi release latest single ‘I Wish’, get candid about their hopes and dreams


Naniwa Danshi are back to warm our hearts with their latest single, ‘I Wish’. 

Released on 15 November, three days after celebrating their second debut anniversary, ‘I Wish’ radiates the group’s sugar-sweet sound, as they sing about how they’re constantly fueled to brightly face the future by the love in their lives. Such earnest joy and hope are highlighted further in the music video released a few weeks prior, where we get to see the seven boys set aside their usual sparkly costumes in favour of comfy casual wear, as they enjoy a cute little glamping trip and let their individual charms naturally shine. 

‘I Wish’ also serves as the theme song to the TBS drama My Second Aoharu, where member Shunsuke Michieda stars alongside Alice Hirose, in a story of youth and second chances, the importance of enjoying life to the fullest, and how it’s never too late to dream and carve oneself a new path. Likewise, while they’re still relatively fresh into their journey, Naniwa Danshi have shown a steadfast commitment to the goals they’ve set their sights on and their role as idols, earning them the admiration of fans from so many places. 

The single also features ‘Join Us!’, a lively B-side that blends their signature bright-pop sound with outrageous techno beats. A sharp contrast to the A-side’s organic feel, its music video finds Naniwa Danshi transported into a digital dimension, where they sing and dance - and show off a bit of acrobatic skills! - throughout a large building, and meet a robot who reveals a message that they’re on their way to the next stage.


Bandwagon had the chance to ask Naniwa Danshi about their journey since debut, how they maintain their signature charm, and what they wish the future would have in store for them. 

The time has gone by so fast, and you’re already on your sixth single since debuting two years ago. You’ve also done so much during that period in between, from taking charge of your national tours, to countless TV appearances, and even individual acting projects. What has the experience been like so far?

Joichiro “Jo-kun” Fujiwara: I know the answer is probably the same for everyone, but even still, for me, personally, I love reading fan letters from people who have been touched by our music — especially the kids! I’ve seen TikTok videos fans have made of little children, maybe only 3 or 4 years old, dancing in front of TV screens playing our music videos. I love all our fans, but there’s something really cool about knowing that there’s a kid somewhere that looks up to you. It’s so inspiring and is exactly what being an “idol” is all about.

‘I Wish’ has such a pure and sweet feeling to it, which really fits not only the drama where it’s used as a theme song, but more particularly your youthful charm as a group. How does this song align with what you consider as Naniwa Danshi’s signature sound, and what message do you wish to convey to your listeners through it?

Shunsuke “Michi” Michieda: To piggyback a little off what Jo-kun said, musically ‘I Wish’ has the same heart as a lot of our songs about the power of believing in yourself. There’s a youthful energy to the music, which is something our label has worked hard to stay true to throughout all our releases, but beyond that, the song is about how when we’re together we can do things we might not be strong enough to do when we’re alone. 

The music video is so cute, too! Watching it really feels like we’re having fun on a glamping trip with all of you. Could you share with us your favourite parts from filming?

Ryusei “Ryuche” Onishi: There’s a scene where Nishihata is on a hammock. It was supposed to be a scene where he looked all dreamy and cool. But instead, we ambushed him and shook the hammock so hard he looked unkempt and nervous. It was a lot of fun, at least for the six of us (laughs).

You’ve also released the music video for the coupling song ‘Join us!’, which had a more futuristic vibe. Going back to the talk of your “signature”, something I’ve noticed about Naniwa Danshi is no matter which genre you delve into, your songs always exude a character that feels unique and authentic to you. How do you continue to evolve and maintain this signature while exploring new musical directions? 

Kento Nagao: J-Pop is a very broad term with a lot of different genres. When you’re here in Japan, there’s such a huge variety of pop sounds, and as Naniwa Danshi we don’t want to just fit into one piece of the puzzle. We want to explore different styles and personalities while staying true to who we are at our core, which is that excitement and electricity of youth. We don’t want to be “one of” something, and the only way to stand out is to create something unique to us. 

If you could be granted one wish for the next year, what would that be?

Shunsuke “Michi” Michieda: To become even more accessible to international fans. We all read the comments on our YouTube and Instagram and they really inspire us, even if we don’t always understand what they say. So, thank you! 

Naniwa Danshi’s sixth single, ‘I Wish’, comes in three types: Limited Edition A, Limited Edition B, and Regular Edition. Each version features both previously released tracks and additional coupling songs unique to one another. Purchase your physical copies from here.