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Now Streaming: Fresh Filter Studio Sessions

Now Streaming: Fresh Filter Studio Sessions

Estimated: 1 min  reading

Radio programme Fresh Filter has come a long way, from being a weekly Wednesday afternoon show to airing four times a week on Jam 88.3. Host Russ Davis handpicks local tracks to be played on his one-hour radio show, giving independent acts a bigger platform for their music to be heard.

Last 2015, Fresh Filter, together with Satchmi released Fresh Filter Volume 1, a selection of carefully curated local tracks on vinyl. It was the first compilation of its kind and re-introduced the physical format for local musicians.

According to Russ Davis, he will be releasing the Fresh Filter Studio Sessions this month, as a "parting gift". The tracks are available for free download on their official Soundcloud page. 

Download them here:

Celebrate Fresh Filter tonight with host Russ Davis and performances by Tom's StoryMoonwlkBullet DumasBasement LungApartel and Cheats Entrance is free. First 100 attendees will get a free bottle of San Miguel Pale Pilsen.