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Pete and Andy of Fall Out Boy discuss their album Folie à Deux, which turns 10 this year – watch

Pete and Andy of Fall Out Boy discuss their album Folie à Deux, which turns 10 this year – watch

Estimated: 1 min  reading

Folie à Deux, Fall Out Boy's fourth studio album, will turn 10 this December.

The album, which you know from singles like 'I Don't Care', 'America's Suitehearts' and 'What a Catch, Donnie', arrived at a difficult time in the band's career – Fall Out Boy famously went on hiatus after touring it.

As Folie à Deux approaches its big anniversary, Pete Wentz and Andy Hurley told us what they think of the album now. Check it out below:


And then check out the other segment of our interview about the band's latest album MANIA: