Prophets of Rage are calling it quits.
After three years as a unit, the supergroup of members of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, Public Enemy and Cypress Hill announced that the band is no more. In respective social media posts over the weekend, Chuck D and B-Real shared their thoughts on the band's tenure.
It was about doing something greater than self. 2020 keeping ZDLR spot warm for @RATM & powering a 👊🏿statement for 1000 days was a honorable truth mission in the hours of chaos from the jump... And so the bands rock on.... Let’s go @cypresshill @PublicEnemyFTP @prophetsofrage
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) November 2, 2019
In related news, Rage Against the Machine announced that it will be reuniting for a number of dates next year, including Coachella.
It is unclear if any new music will come of this.
Check out RATM's 2020 dates below.
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