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Queso share their Silence Festival debut experience – watch

Queso share their Silence Festival debut experience – watch

Estimated: 1 min  reading

Queso are back in Manila from their short stint in Nepal over the weekend.

On Saturday (12/14), the 'Tiamat' act performed at Silence Festival in Nepal alongside American thrash metal act Testament.

"Nepal was awesome!" Queso collectively tell Bandwagon in a message. "It was freezing but we loved the cold weather! Definitely a welcome change if you came from hell. The people were lovely! We loved the peaceful vibe everyone had, we loved the architecture, the vibrant hues and the food was fucking insane!"

To end their message, Queso tease their possible return to Nepal soon. "Just before leaving we were guaranteed another chance to come and visit the lovely country again. Hopefully the tour pushes through! We would love to see more of what Nepal has to offer!"

Check out a snippet of their Silence Festival performance below.