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SB19 on taking on the global stage, authenticity in their music, and bigger things to come for 2023 — watch

SB19 on taking on the global stage, authenticity in their music, and bigger things to come for 2023 — watch

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SB19 just wrapped up their first-ever tour. 

Earlier this year, the P-pop royalties embarked on their WYAT Tour which saw stops across the world including Singapore, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, Cebu, Clark, and Davao before coming home to Manila. SB19 took the world by storm, showing their incredible and powerful talents on the stage. 

But that's only the beginning. Ahead of their homecoming show last weekend (18 December), Bandwagon caught up with SB19 in Singapore to talk about life on the road, being authentic in their music, and what's next in 2023.

Check it out here.