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30 years of Sick Of It All, as angry and vital as ever in Singapore — photo gallery

30 years of Sick Of It All, as angry and vital as ever in Singapore — photo gallery

Estimated: 1 min  reading

New Yorkers Sick Of It All may have recently crossed their 30-year mark of existence, but their legacy stretches further than that.

The four-piece band has set the blistering tone and rhythm for hardcore punk since their inception in 1986, grinding it out with 11 studio albums and countless world tours. No matter the musical climate, the band has stuck to their tried and true concoction of world-weary and heartfelt lyrics, raging tempos and domineering riffs for days.

Their unwavering DIY and community-centered attitude continues to inspire legions of fans around the world, and their brutal honesty — both in composition and attitude — has made them a genre staple.

Performing in Singapore as part of their 30th anniversary tour, with plenty of support from Singaporean acts Radigals, Out For Blood and The Ruction at EBX Live Space, the band proved yet again they're always worth experiencing in their element — in a sweaty, heated pit with their most passionate fans.

Here's what went down last Wednesday (October 11th).





Special thanks to STREET NOISE SG for the invite.