SORN on preparing for her first solo headlining concert, being a 'Nirvana Girl', and reuniting with CLC's Yeeun and Seungyeon

SORN on preparing for her first solo headlining concert, being a 'Nirvana Girl', and reuniting with CLC's Yeeun and Seungyeon

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If there ever came a time to select a theme song for SORN, her 2022 single 'Nirvana Girl' would certainly be a very strong contender. 

In it, the Thai artist sings about breaking free from the shackles of others' expectations and everything else that once burdened her and finding her own voice. 

More than just a (very) catchy part of the number's chorus, "I'm on my way to be Nirvana girl / A newer, better me, out of this world" has become SORN's personal mantra in life, one that both reminds her of her identity and keeps her focused on striving towards betterment.


And when it came to naming her first-ever headlining concert, a major milestone in her blossoming career as a soloist, 'Nirvana Girl' was the obvious choice for the 27-year-old.

"The song 'Nirvana Girl' has a very special place in my heart. It sums out everything I felt when I was with the girl group to me now trying to find myself as a soloist. This song describes my journey really well and I feel like I’m telling my audience about what I’ve been through whenever I sing this song," SORN explains to Bandwagon, adding that the concert's title also reflects her gratitude towards those who have supported her from the start.

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Presented by Viu Scream Dates and SORN's Singapore-headquartered label, Wild Entertainment Group, the concert will see SORN reconnect with her fans and share her personal discoveries with them at Singapore's Capitol Theatre on 25 November.

"I wanted to let them know that I am still trying my best to become [a] nirvana girl. I wanted the concert to tell the journey of my path as an artist and bring the fans down memory lane from how SORN started and where SORN is going as an artist. It will be a full experience of my career to inspire my fans that anything is possible as long as you have a dream, anyone can become [a] ‘Nirvana Girl’," she shares.

In an interview with Bandwagon ahead of [SORN: Nirvana Girl] 1st Solo Concert in Singapore, SORN looks back on a fruitful year, shares how she has been getting ready for her first headlining show, talks about teaming up with CLC's Yeeun and Seungyeon.

Hi, SORN! Outside of your activities as an artist, what have you been getting up to recently?

Honestly, these past few weeks I’ve been busy prepping for my upcoming concert that I don’t really have time to do anything else. I’ve also been prepping for another song release in December, so my mind is occupied with everything work-related. My fans know this about me. I’m lowkey a workaholic, and work is all I think about most of the time.

With the end of the year approaching, what are some 2023 New Year’s resolutions that you’ve managed to accomplish so far?

One thing I’ve been super blessed with is to be able to constantly keep releasing music this year which is something I always try to aim for every year. At the end of last year, I also told myself that I really wanted to perform at more events in 2023, and my dream actually came true! Another New Year’s resolution of mine was to spend more time with my family in Thailand, and luckily, I was able to manage my time wisely this year to go back home and spend quality time with them.

You recently announced that you will be holding your first solo concert in November. First of all, congratulations on that! Tell us how it feels to know that the show is finally happening.

First of all, I have to say that I’m so blessed with this opportunity! I remember telling people last year that it would be cool to be able to have my own concert one day and literally one year later I’m actually doing it! [It] made me realize that hard work can really pay off if you believe in yourself and put your best in everything you do!

Now that we’re in the middle of preparing this show, I just realized how much hard work is needed in prepping a long-duration show like this. I’ve been stressing out a lot about the performance, but to be honest, it’s a really fun and exciting experience for me and the team. I feel like in the past years I wasn’t able to show my fans the REAL ME and what I’m actually capable of doing as a soloist. I’m planning to show EVERYTHING to my fans this time and sides that no one has ever seen before.

I also have LOTS of surprises planned... [I] might also sing some unreleased songs. I seriously can’t wait for my fans to see the show in person!

I feel like in the past years I wasn’t able to show my fans the REAL ME and what I’m actually capable of doing as a soloist. 

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You performed as a member of a K-pop group before embarking on a solo career. How different was the experience of preparing for a solo concert compared to preparing for a concert as part of a group?

Prepping as a group, I feel, is much easier and less [pressurizing] since you’re not by yourself but you also have other people who are taking on the responsibility on stage with you. It’s a lot easier to sing and dance and interact with the audience when you’re on stage with a bunch of people because the pressure is equally shared between each member.

But when you have to do a show by yourself, it’s a totally different story. Not only do you have to sing and dance for the whole hour, but you also have to talk to entertain your audience and still keep up a high-energy show. There are a lot more things to prepare for too because when I was performing with CLC, we were performing as CLC. But now, I have to perform as SORN, which means that I have to be super detailed and personal about every aspect of the show — from things like the color scheme for the show, LED visuals, outfits, script, and many more. I have to bring out myself and make sure that the audience can be able to really experience who I am as an artist which means a lot of prepping with the small stuff on the side on top of practicing for my show at the same time.

I have to perform as SORN, which means that I have to be super detailed and personal about every aspect of the show — from things like the color scheme for the show, LED visuals, outfits, script, and many more.

What are some pre-concert routines that you have found to be helpful ahead of your first solo show?

I’ve been working out a lot these days to make sure that I’ll be able to breathe properly and maintain a high-energy show that will last for almost two hours. The worst nightmare for a pop artist like me is running out of breath during the performance to the point where you can’t continue the next song or talk in between your songs. So what I’ve been doing these days is working out for a longer period of time and trying my best to talk and sing in between so that I know exactly how to control my breath, which will be super helpful for me for the performance!

@sssorn_chonnasorn D-10 to my concert in Singapore 🙃 #sorn_nirvanagirlconcert ♬ som original - Nostalgic Gaming Music

Let’s talk about your music. Which song of yours do you think would be a good entry point for new listeners who are curious to know more about you?

For sure 'Nirvana Girl'. This song is a really fun pop song that you can listen to on any occasion. 'Nirvana Girl' will make you want to dance and the lyrics will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Not only you will feel hyped up after listening to this song, but you will also hear the voice of my member Yeeun, along with Seungyeon in the music video, which can also be a soft introduction for those who might not know who CLC is!

Aside from releasing solo tracks, you’ve also reunited with your CLC bandmates Yeeun and Seungyeon on ‘Nirvana Girl’ and ‘Rowdy’, respectively. What was it like to be able to work with them on these songs?

It always feels good to be able to work with my members. I feel like we know each other so well in terms of style along with our strengths and weaknesses [and] we know how to use that to our advantage in a song. It never feels like work when I get to collaborate with them on a song. It feels like a bunch of old friends just hanging out and having a good time. Makes me really miss CLC at times, but also so proud to see how far we’ve all come at the same time!

It never feels like work when I get to collaborate with them (Seungyeon and Yeeun) on a song. It feels like a bunch of old friends just hanging out and having a good time. 

You have quite an eclectic mix of releases. What is one thing that binds them together?

I feel like one thing that every track of mine has in common is that the main theme for each song is not love. I never really talk about romantic relationships in my songs but I always talk about relatable issues that people can relate to. I think that is the common theme that binds all of my songs together.

When you spoke to us last year, you told us that you wanted to “inspire” others and make “impactful” music. What are some lessons you’ve learnt that you wish to share with your fans through your releases?

What I’ve learnt throughout the year is to not focus only on the outcome, but focus on the process. It is important to create the final product BUT!!! that’s not everything. You shouldn’t judge everything according to the product. Something that is more important than that is the process of doing it! Trust me, you’ll be able to appreciate the outcome even more if you truly recognize and enjoy the process of making it!

Finally, what other milestones do you hope to cross once you’re done with your upcoming concert?

After my concert, I really want to start working on an EP or possibly an album to be released next year. I think it’s time for me to do something bigger and I think I am ready for that.

I know a lot of fans have been waiting for it too so I really don’t want to disappoint them. So I’m going to put all my effort into this and release something for them for sure!

I think it’s time for me to do something bigger and I think I am ready for that.

This interview has been edited for clarity.

[SORN: Nirvana Girl] 1st Solo Concert in Singapore will be held at the Capitol Theatre at 7 PM on 25 November. Tickets are available from SGD 68 via Ticketmaster.