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British grime rapper enlists Singaporean photographer for music video through Reddit

British grime rapper enlists Singaporean photographer for music video through Reddit

Estimated: 1 min  reading

There have been many great real-life stories that have been borne out of Reddit, and the latest hits close to home.

Young grime emcee J-mal recently planned a trip to Singapore, and on the side, he was also working on the idea for his latest single 'Hate Me Or Love Me' as a music video. Being an avid Redditor himself, he immediately made the move to explore Singapore's hip-hop scene by posting on the official Singaporean subreddit, r/Singapore.

22-year-old Ian Lim, a photographer, videographer, and huge hip-hop head in his own right, responded to the rapper and the two hit it off naturally. "He sent me a couple of his tracks to check out and I liked his style, so I sent him some of my photography and video work as a trade of sorts," explains Ian. "He was scheduled for a visit to Singapore, so we naturally built towards a collaboration."

Shot around a wet Chinatown in Singapore, Ian Lim, who goes by the moniker 65th Chamber, shows the rapper blazing through various streets in the area performing the fiery track. The duo have more material planned for the future, and the photographer has also opened the door to collaborate with Singaporean artists after working on this project.

Watch the music video for 'Hate Me Or Love Me':