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WATCH: RRR hosts discuss the 5 bands they want to see at Baybeats 2016

WATCH: RRR hosts discuss the 5 bands they want to see at Baybeats 2016

Estimated: 1 min  reading

Every week, our editors take a moment to step out from of their desk and on to the camera to talk about some of the most exciting record releases out right now in our brand new video series! Welcome to Bandwagon Recent Record Reviews!

It's happening again this year, and as always, we have our own personal lists of the bands we want to see the most at Baybeats 2016!

Its three-day schedule offers an insane variety of acts — musicians stemming from various scenes around Asia — we can only catch so many live sets in one weekend.

Even as we intend to catch as many as we can, and we'll be providing our usual comprehensive coverage, we've taken the liberty to point out the acts that we feel are worth being at the top of your must-see lists. So instead of the usual album reviews on Recent Record Reviews, here's something a little bit different.

While RRR hosts Daniel and Hidzir were in complete agreement with their first three choices, they each take a little detour with their last two spots. 

Look through the full line-up of Baybeats 2016 on their official website.

Find out who are the acts they want to see right here:

UPDATE: Our bad, Killeur Calculateur are actually playing at the Outdoor Theatre.