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Work From Home with Renzo Santos of Lola Amour

Work From Home with Renzo Santos of Lola Amour

Estimated: 4 mins  reading

In our new Work From Home series, we check in with your favorite musicians to see how they're coping with the current COVID-19 crisis while staying in their homes.

Local gigs and band rehearsals have become things of legend thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.

Just like a whole lotta people cooped up at home, Lola Amour drummer Renzo Santos has been struggling in the threshold between productivity and laziness. It's been tough, but thanks to the internet, he's able to hold virtual jam sessions and get fans to hop in. He's even gotten around to starring in a short film called The Cough, directed by his brother Gino Santos.


But besides working on music, what else has Lola Amour's drummer been up to?

Bandwagon caught up with Santos to check in on what he's been doing since the enhanced community quarantine kicked off, what ge does to keep in touch with fans, and his plans after this lockdown is over.

How has your work life changed since the quarantine began?

Before the quarantine, I’d be out with my friends almost everyday to study for board exams and attend review classes. On some nights, I'd be with my bandmates for rehearsals or shows. Now, I just study at home and prep for online classes.

Some days, I’d be super productive, but on other days, I’d feel really lazy or I can’t keep my mind of everything that’s been going around. But during the past few weeks, I learned to adapt and to just keep trying. I guess that’s one thing that the quarantine taught me.

How do you stay connected with your fans?

We try to stay connected with our fans through social media. Unlike other artists, it’s quite difficult for us to have online shows because most of us don’t have our instruments so we just make do with what we have. Raymond and I post jam sessions on our twitter page, and encourage our fans to join our virtual jam by adding their own twists to it (See thread here).

We’ve seen a couple of pianists, guitarists and even vocalists adding their own style to our jams. It’s quite fun and exciting to see how creative people can get when they jam with you over social media. What makes it really interesting is that some of these people we haven’t actually met in real life so it’s great to see how music can bring people together in times like these. Our friends from Ysanygo also joined the jam. We also released 2 demos that didn’t make it to the final roster of our upcoming album. We plan to release one more demo before the quarantine ends.

What are you looking forward to after the lockdown is lifted?

It’s been a tough couple of weeks for the country, and I’m really looking forward to everything getting better for everyone.

Personally, I’m excited to spend some time with my close friends and my girlfriend once everything is okay. I’m also looking forward to performing with the band again, but hopefully we won’t be so rusty after not being able to do so for almost two months, haha.

Take us through a day in your quarantined life

7:00 a.m.

At around 7 a.m., I shower and make a cup of coffee to wake myself up and physically and mentally prepare myself to study.

8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Throughout the morning, I study as much as possible, because at 9 a.m. a test is posted every day for my online classes.

12 p.m.

At around 12 noon, I have lunch together with my family.

5 p.m.

Sometime in the afternoon, I take a break from studying and play drums. If I like what I’m making, I'll usually record myself and send it over to Raymond so that he can add bass to it.

6 p.m.

In the early evening, I try to squeeze in a little workout. I usually do either cardio or light weights.

8 p.m.

At 8 p.m., I have dinner with my family.

10-11 p.m.

Before bedtime, I usually prepare my work for the next day, then go online to chat with my best friends and girlfriend. Lately, we’ve been playing video games together to pass the time.

Share your WFM playlist with us.

Recently I've discovered a lot of rap music that keeps me focused and pumped to study especially when I'm feeling lazy. Since Dua Lipa’s latest album came out recently, I’ve been listening to that as well because I’m a big fan of her music.

Dua Lipa - 'Future Nostalgia'

Dua Lipa - 'Break My Heart'

Brockhampton - 'New Orleans'

Tyler the Creator - 'I Aint Got Time'

Denzel Curry - 'Ricky'

Childish Gambino - 'IV. Sweatpants'