BTS fans share "Get well soon" messages as Jimin recovers from surgery and gets treatment for COVID-19

Penggemar BTS membagikan pesan "Cepat sembuh" saat Jimin pulih dari operasi dan mendapatkan perawatan untuk COVID-19

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"Jimin, get well soon," mengambil alih Twitter pada Senin sore (31/1), saat BigHit Music mengumumkan status kesehatan Jimin BTS.

Dalam sebuah pengumuman di Weverse, label rekaman tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa pelantun 'Filter' itu dibawa ke ruang gawat darurat rumah sakit pada 30 Januari karena sakit perut mendadak disertai sakit tenggorokan ringan. Di rumah sakit, Jimin didiagnosis menderita radang usus buntu akut, dan juga dinyatakan positif COVID-19. Mengikuti saran dokter, pelantun 'Promise' itu menjalani operasi pada 31 Januari dan saat ini menjalani perawatan rawat inap untuk COVID-19, serta pemulihan pasca operasi.

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BigHit Music meyakinkan penggemar bahwa kesehatan artis mereka tetap menjadi "prioritas utama" dan akan melakukan segala yang mereka bisa untuk membantu memfasilitasi pemulihan cepat Jimin.

Baca pernyataan lengkapnya di bawah ini:



We would like to provide you with the following information regarding the current health status of BTS member Jimin.

Jimin experienced sudden abdominal pain along with a mild sore throat on January 30 in the afternoon. He visited a hospital emergency room for thorough examination, and also took a PCR test. Jimin was diagnosed with acute appendicitis, and was tested positive for COVID-19. He underwent surgery following physician advice early morning on Monday, January 31.

According to the medical staff, the surgery was successful and Jimin is currently recuperating after his procedure. He will be receiving a few days of in-patient treatment for COVID-19 in conjunction with postoperative care. He is currently experiencing a mild sore throat but is making a speedy recovery, and had no contact with the other members during the infectious stage.

The company places the artists’ health as our top priority, and we will do everything we can to aid Jimin in his speedy recovery. We will also diligently cooperate with the requests and guidelines of the health care authorities.

Thank you.

Ucapan cepat sembuh untuk Jimin mengalir di seluruh Twitter, dengan ribuan penggemar berdoa dan berharap agar Jimin lekas sembuh.