Kazunari Ninomiya parts ways with agency, vows to continue as ARASHI: ‘For as long as there is ARASHI, I will be ARASHI’

Kazunari Ninomiya parts ways with agency, vows to continue as ARASHI: ‘For as long as there is ARASHI, I will be ARASHI’


[Trigger warning: This story mentions sexual abuse and predatory behaviour]

Kazunari Ninomiya announced that he had parted ways with his long-time company, the talent agency formerly known as Johnny & Associates. He also vowed to continue to be a part of the influential Japanese boy band ARASHI (嵐) while working in an independent capacity, he said in a video statement released on their fan club site on 24 October, Tuesday.

“I will work as an individual, and as it has always been with ARASHI, I still want to go on with activities as ARASHI at my own choosing,” the actor and singer said, as quoted from Japanese music company Oricon’s news site. (個人の仕事は個人で、嵐の仕事はこれまで通り嵐として選択したところで活動していきたい)

The circumstances surrounding this decision, he explained, come after sexual abuse accusations levelled against his former company’s late founder Johnny Kitagawa escalated in recent months.


“Since the first press conference [last September 7], my activities have also started to be impacted a lot,” Ninomiya said. “To be honest, I became scared and felt anxious, so I started to consider my next step.” (1回目の事務所の会見以降、自分の活動にも多くの影響が起き始め、正直な話、僕も怖くなったし、不安な気持ちにもすごくなり、これからどうしていこうかなと考え始めました)

“I have been worried about this every day and late to give an answer,” he added. “So that I can face each of my tasks one day at a time and move on with my life again without regrets, I have now come to this decision.” (毎日このことで悩みまして、答えを出すのが遅くなったことは、一つ一つの仕事に向き合い、また自分の人生を歩んでいく後悔しないためにも、今回このような決断をさせていただくこととなりました)

In the wake of one of the biggest scandals to rock the Japanese entertainment world, the star also apologised for the timing of his response that may have “troubled many people involved.”

“I will still be ARASHI even after tomorrow. Beyond this, for as long as there is ARASHI, I will be ARASHI, so please do not worry anymore,” the star also fondly known as Nino assured fans. (僕は明日からも嵐です。この先ずっと僕は嵐がある以上は嵐なので、それはもう安心していただきたいです)

Amid the mounting allegations against the late founder as well as political pressure to address child sexual abuse in Japan, Julie Keiko Fujishima, Kitagawa’s niece, had since resigned as company president, with long-time company talent Noriyuki Higashiyama (formerly Shonentai 少年隊) taking over as chief executive.

The once-influential talent agency had also split into two entities, with the existing company to be rebranded as Smile-Up and tasked with compensation to the hundreds of victims that had come forward.

Another yet-to-be-named agency will be established to manage the company’s current roster of performers.

Among similar moves to Ninomiya’s decision, actor and singer Junichi Okada, formerly of V6, also announced that he will be severing ties with the same company, effective November 30.

Recently as an actor, Ninomiya has starred in the movie Analog and the Fuji TV drama ONE DAY ~Seiya no kara Sawagi~ (〜聖夜のから騒〜). He also hosts the Nippon TV variety show Nino-san (ニノさん).